Friday, September 28, 2007

寄不出的信 - A letter to Burma.

曾經給緬甸一位小朋友寫了封信, 但卻給中介的慈善團體退了回來, 他們說小朋友年紀小, 信的內容他應不明白, 似在暗示信的內容有點敏感, 不合適. 可能他們慈善團體世界各地到處扶貧救危, 不涉政治, 那怕當地政府是專制是獨裁, 他們也默默工作, 默默無言. 不知這生在緬甸窮鄉僻壤的小朋友現長高了沒有, 奈何他永遠都不會知道曾經有一封寄自遠方海島的信, 裡面有某人對他國家的好奇和祝福, 尤其是那令人景仰, 髮髻長繫搖曳芬芳的高貴女士.

Dear Leh,
It’s very nice to receive your letter of 18 Jan . Thank you very much for sharing your family background information with me, and I am really happy that I can be of a little help to a boy's growing up in Burma. Oh, should it be Burma or Myanmar? I know your country used to be called Burma, but now Myanmar? Why the change? Any difference between these 2 names? What’s the significance of the change? Do you know who Aung San Suu Kyi, of whom I am an admirer, is? I know you may be too young to give me the answers to those questions, but never mind, as you grow up, you would know more and be able to tell me more about your country.

If I am not wrong World Vision is a Christian charity organization, but I think in Burma/Myanmar, most people are Buddhist, so do you or your family believe in any religions, if yes, Buddhism or Christianity?

Do your sisters also receive any aid from World Vision, or just you? What are the criteria for World Vision to approve donations to various children all over the world who need help? Does one child only receive assistance from one donation parent or several? What does a donated child get every month, in cash or necessities like foods, clothes etc? If I am not wrong, World Vision has got no offices in Burma, does any one visit you on a regular basis? How often? Maybe fellow World Vision staff would care to ease my curiosity.

By the way, it appears to me that Burmese writing is similar to Thai, are they really the same? I think somehow Burmese and Thai cultures share some similarities or even common history, is it? I think I need to wait till you grow older to tell me more about these things.

Wish you and your family have a happy life! And you need to study hard to fulfil your dream to become a doctor, o.k.? Write me if you have time.

Best regards

但遠方的空氣中瀰漫濃烈的硝煙味, 槍彈聲蓋過頌經聲, 無畏的袈裟風中飄起血染的風采.
今夜仰望上空, 可有月光? 只覺心有些痛, 但衷心祈願此刻身在黑暗中的她安然無恙.

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